Saturday, January 10, 2009


-We don't need the cola.
-Yes we do.
-It's poison.
-Okay I'm pouring it out.
-On the count of three we start running.... One, two, three
-Don't worry--whoop
-Told you.
-Okay let's run again.

-I think it's only maybe seven kilometers left.
-I have something to say.
-This was one of my stupidest ideas.
-I didn't want to say anything. Running to Kaucis' house at three in the morning isn't very smart.
-Fuck it.
-Fuckin a right, fuck it.

-The moon keeps staring at us. Fuck you, moon!
-In Latvia we have myth, that if you show your ass to the moon, it will take you with it.
-I'm still here.
-Fuck it.

-We're probably the only people here for miles.
-Did you hear that whistling?
-Yeah, I think so. Stop for a second.
-There it is again, louder. Sounds like hunters or something.
-Hey what the fuck do you want!!
-They just keep whistling.
-Let's go over there.
-It's people.
-There's too much fog.
-Oh good, it's Kaucis and Janis and Berziņš.
-We made it.
-What time is it?
-Probably about five or six.
-Let's just go to the sauna. Fuck you all, we made it here without a car.
-Yeah, fuck you all.
-Fuck you all.
-Fuck you all.
-Fuck you all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Ed-Dog

It's like a hot dog, but it's warm and it's got a bunch of other stuff on it too. And it can all be made in the microwave.

One of the many ways to know you are in Latvia
