Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Airplanes are antiamerican

Have you ever fallen asleep on a flight from SFO to JFK? No, no you have not. It's physically impossible. Even if you do get comfortable, it's only really five hours so it's not even worth it. There was one woman who came prepared with noise cancelling headphones and a silk eyethingy(i cant think of words right now).

Personally I would consider airlines to be rapists. They force you to take off all your clothes and take everything out of your pockets and then if you didn´t do it right you end up holding up the line and everyone gets mad. Then you have to put everything back on as fast as you can otherwise the line gets held up again and now it´s happened twice so they´re not just mad, they also hate you. The problem isn´t the hate, it´s that now you´re really uncomfortable. Your clothes are all crooked and stuff, and you´re dressed for the outdoors even though it´s really very warm inside.
The lines are of indeterminate length and speed, so you don´t know if you should be holding your bags for mobility or for comfort, and either way you always make the wrong choice, and once you get out of that line, there´s always the possibility for yet another line just at the end of this line. So you don't know if this wait is the means to an end, or if this line is all there is, and all there will ever be.
And then if you have a connecting flight, they of course rape you again and any comfort you may have achieved disappears. It seems like there's something very wrong about a place that spends hours preparing you for something that only even takes a couple hours, and then takes your money. I think airlines go against all that is american. From now on I'm not crossing any ocean by air, only boat or possibly submarine or hovercraft.

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